lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008

would live, love and preffer.

*I would prefer to go out. ai gud pref tugouaut
*I'd rather stay here. aid rader steihiir
*She'd prefer dancing.shid prefer dansin
*Would you rather sleep or stay awake?
*would you like some chesse with your hamburguer no ,i´d prefer some mustard
*sho would love to go to and expensive restaurant for dinner she´d
*During winter, I like to stay at home on weekends
*I like eating ice-creams.
*She would like to write a letter
*They would like to run


so and neither

*She didn't understand the film. Neither did her husband.
*Tea keeps you awake.So does coffee
*Tom was late.So was Mary.
*Claude loves chocolate. So do I.
*They can't speak Chinese.Neither can we.
*Claire doesn't like coffee.Neither does Claude.
*His job isn't well paid.Neither is mine.
*Tom wouldn't like to lose the match.Neither would Jim
*My parents would love to live by the sea.So would I.
*Jane is interested in art.So am I.

Etiquetas: ,

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

enunciados con verbos regulares e irregulares


-he to drink oranje juice.
-she played soccer that day.
-we to lend smoking.
-she to sell apple.


-they didn`t past the exam.
-l didn`t to drive red car.
-he didn`t to grow papatoes.


-did he to see t.v?
-did l to write the book?
-did she to lend bool?


lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

present continued.

-she is making home work in her room.
-we are taking karate lessons every saturday.
-they are traveling to mazatlan next month.

-l am not playing game always .
-it is not dancing rock.
-she is not watching t.v.

-are they playing soccer?.
-are we finishing eat?.
-an l carring the table?.
-they are loving the dog?.


simple present.

-she walkes in the park always morning.
-he get up at seven o clock in the morning.
-l brush my teeth.
-you get dressed for school.
-we take a shower in the morning.

-l don´t go by car to work.
-they don´t dance rock.

-do they love or hate shopping?.
-does she play soccer?.
-do you like to dance?.


ejemplos de los dierentes tiempos del presente

past simple

-she biting bubbli gom.
-we drawing apples.
-they drinking wather.
-l grownig limons.

-they didn´t go the park.
-he didn´t say name.
-we didn´t sit watch t.v.

-did she lend t.v?.
-did you eat tacos?.
-did l drink oranje juice?.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

past simple

-she danced yesterday
-carlos responds to attacks by sandra
-mario arrived near the park.
-they didn´ eat tacos
-l didn´t watch t.v
-we didn´t pas the exam
-did they eat 10 tacos?
-did she walk in the park?
did we play bassket bool?
-we saw a movie yesterday


miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

present continued

-She 's doing the job in the computer
-I'm on the street cominedo
-my mom and I are preparing food
-they are playing video games
-you are bothering
-I'm not playing in the park
-Mom is doing no eating
-sandra is not doing the job
-the cops are not doing their job
-You are not being honest
-are playing in the park?
-are eating on the street?
-my mom is preparing the meal?
-sandra this chatting with her friend?
-Janeth me in the waiting room strategy?
