viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

family of words in English (suffixes and prefixes)

The derivation is a procedure of forming words that is to add suffixes or prefixes to a given lexeme.The prefix Co. It means company, co-authored. Usually accompanied by screenplay: starring / co-starring actor = / coprotagonista, star / co ... producer / co-producer = producer / co-producer The prefix Ex Prefix which refers to something old, above. Normally is followed by a hyphen. boyfriend / ex-boyfriend = boyfriend / exnovio wife / former wife = wife / ex-wife The prefix In The suffix means IN translates in denial and, no, no, absent from. Very used for adjectives and nouns (names) ending with TY (DDA): direct / indirect = direct / indirect adequate / = inadequate proper / improper The My prefix Doing something wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Usually accompanied unscripted to verbs: print / Misprint = print / commit Errata represent / = misrepresent represent / falsify The prefix Bio diversity / biodiversity = diversity / biodiversity chemistry / biochemistry = chemistry / biochemistry wepons / = biowepons weapons / biological weapons The prefix Sub The prefix sub means under, low. It has the same meaning as the prefix Under: way / = via subway / underground route marine / submarine = marine / submarine The prefix In It works by increasing the substantive accompanying positively, it means putting in status (in the sense that indicate the noun): Large / = big enlarge / enlarge danger / endanger = danger / endanger The prefix Re Re means again, Back or repetition of an action. Re-show accompanying verbs and may be joined by screenplay: eat / recommend = come / back direct / redirect = direct / redirected The prefix Dis The prefix Dis is a denial that often accompanies a substantive. Des means, in: infectantes / disinfectants infecting = / disinfectant arm / = disarms armed / disarmed The prefix Over Over on means, too, excessive over: charge / overcharge = loading / overload time / overtime = time, time / overtime, on time The prefix Under The prefix means Under sub, des, less low. It has the same meaning as the prefix Sub: developed / = underdeveloped developed / undeveloped production / = underproduction production / subproducción The prefix Il it is a negation translates ile: legitimate / illegitimate = legitimate / illegitimate Legal / illegal = legal / illegal The prefix A The prefix is a kind of denial for causing the opposite direction indicated by the root of the word. It means in, anti shortly. It applies to adjectives, nouns and verbs: faithful / unfaithful faithful = / infidel happy / unhappy = happy / unhappy equal / unequal = equal / uneven The prefix Multi Prefix type multiplicity. Multi means. faith / multi-faith belief = / pluralistic faith ethnic / multi-ethnic = ethnic / multi-ethnic The prefix Pre The prefix pre precedes substantive and means before, previous a. historic / prehistoric = historic / prehistoric marital / premarial = marriage / premarital The prefix To The prefix = To order, equal to medic / paramedic = doctor / paramedic typhoid / paratifoide = thyroid / parathyroid The prefix Anti The prefix anti = against. In general appears screenplay writing perspirant / antiperspirant = transpirante / antitranspirante wrinkle / anti-wrinkle wrinkle = / Wrinkle The prefix Im Im prefix denial that means the opposite, without, in: material / immaterial = material / immaterial possible / impossible = possible / impossible The prefix Semi Semi prefix denial and indicates that translates semi partial. end / semi-final = final semifinal circle / semicircle = circle / semicircular --------------------------------------... Suffix The Able Suffix Suffix forming adjectives from verbs. It does not apply to substantive. It means Able, ible: to drink / = drinkable drink / drinkable to reason / reasonable reason = / reasonable The Suffix Ful The Ful suffix is added to form a substantive substantive and adjectives. ada mean, ado, ido, bear: wonder / = wonderful marvel / wonderful color / = colorful color / color Suffixes Ess and Ine The suffix ess ine and let you change the gender (male / female). Both male to become a noun female: poet / poetess = poet / poet emperor / Empress = emperor / empress The Suffix Ment We use English in the suffix ment to convert some verbs in substantive. Doing that in the Spanish language has been obtained or extension, tion lation to move / movement = move / movement to enlarge / enlargement = enlarge / enlargement The Suffix Ness With the suffix ness become adjectives in substantive qualifiers. But if the adjective ends in and change this by i before being added the suffix. It means dad, Eza Sick / = sick sickness / illness Dark / darkness = dark / Dark The Suffix Ance The suffix ance is used in English to convert to substantive verbs. If the verbs ending in and change and by a suffix to remain unchanged. Mean elderly, ence, tion. to guide / guidance = guide / guide to insure / ensure = Insurance / insurance The Suffix AND The suffix and is used in English with 3 goals: to be added to make substantive adjectives and likeness or voice to indicate abundance. And if a substantive and turns in the end and simply y. It means ado, bear and rarely able means; Used to get the disminutivo, to the effect if this ends in a consonant is repeated. Ito means, ITA. The Ly Suffix This allows suffix tranformer an adjective or a noun qualifier in an adverb, meaning adding the mind. The adjectives ending in him and by simply changing and those ending in ly, convert and iy is added l; ending in ue to the change in the e ly, the ending in ll add only and those ending in ue and by changing ly. bad / badly = bad / badly open / openly = open / openly water / watery = water / aqueous anger / angry = anger / angry The Suffix Ous With the suffix ous, which means Bear, osa transforms into a noun and adjective according to the following procedure: Nouns ending in r simply add ous, and the ending in a changing and ous; ended in a changing and iy adds ous, when completed in substantive or add us, finished in on eliminates ny is replaced by us. danger / = danger dangerous / hazardous fury / = furious rage / furious The Cal Suffix Converts substantive. in adjectives. Nouns ending in c only added to. It means ICO, ICA alphabet / alphabetical = alphabet / alphabet (ica) medic / meical = doctor / medical (a) The Ship Suffix By adding the suffix ship to get an adjective and a noun is achieved substantive derive from nouns and verbs. It is used in a manner very different to denote: qualities abstract art or skill, dignity, profession, position or title, the duration of action, and usually means tion, ed. citizen / citizenship = citizen citizenship dictator / = dictatorship dictator / dictatorship The Suffix Less This suffix gives us the possibility of altering substantive to get adjectives. Being very useful when dealing with the comparison. It is a denial and type suffix which means without. worth / = worthless useful / useless hoe / = hopeless hope and without hope The Suffix TION The suffix tion which means tion, or allows transform into substantive verbs, according to the following guidelines: Verbs ending in the consonant t, simply add ion; verbs ending ate, ute, eliminate ey added ion; verbs ending in the vocal and not part of ate / ute, and by changing the ay added tion. to educate / education = educate / education to pollute / = pollute pollution / pollution The Suffix Th Th added to cardinal numbers allows us to obtain ordinal numbers. And added to a sense verbs prints potivo. five / = fifth five / fifth ten / ten tenth = / tenth The Suffix ISH The ish suffix is added to form a substantive adjectives and so indicate similarity or attenuation. If the substantive changes and ending with the iy by him and add sh. If the noun ends in conservation and it adds ish. If the noun ends in consonant simply adds ish to get the adjective. woman / woman womanish = / as a woman, mujeril boy / = boyish child as a child The Suffix Hood When we add the suffix hood to a particular substantive obtain a substantive abstract. mother / mother motherhood = / maternity likeli / probable likelihood = / probability


miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

would love

would love al igual que would like y el would prefer sirve para especificar algún deseo,por ejemplo:me encantaria jugar./iwould love to play;sirve para expresar lo que uno quiere de verdad,tanto en positivo como en negativo.


so/neither es un ayudante en la red para poder traducir lenguajes al ingles,al igual que para practicar el idioma si es que ya se tiene dominado o un cierto conocimiento del mismo.tambien cuenta con:

curso de ingles.






IPA-------international y phonetic alphabeth

IPA.significa:Asociación Internacional de Policia(s),aun que en el transcurso de mi busqueda de significados,me encontre tambien con lo siguiente:INTERNATIONAL -PHONETIC -ASSOCIATION.(asociación fonética internacional).

PHONETIC ALPHABETH.(alfabeto fonético internacional).

Alfabeto Fonético Internacional
El Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (AFI, API en francés e IPA en inglés) es un sistema de
notación fonética creada por lingüistas. Su propósito es otorgar una forma estandarizada, precisa y única de representar los sonidos de cualquier lenguaje oral, y es usado por lingüistas, logopedistas y terapeutas, maestros de lengua extranjera, lexicógrafos, y traductores. En su forma básica (en 2005) tiene aproximadamente 107 símbolos base y 55 modificadores.


la forma impeativa se usa para dar instrucciones,ordenes,sugerencias,advertencias y consejos.

En forma afirmativa: En forma negativa

-Come here - Ven aquí. -Don't cross the street ! - ¡No cruces la calle!
-Go there - Andá allí. -Don´t say that ! - ¡No digas eso!
-Open the door - Abrí la puerta. -Don´t be so mean ! - ¡No sea tan malo!
-Turn on the TV - Encendé el televisor. -Don´t fight ! - ¡no pelées!
-Leave me alone - Dejáme solo. -Don´t interrupt ! - ¡no interrumpas!


would prefer

"would prefer"el verbo en una forma condicionoal,(prefer),significa:preferir,por tanto es preferiria.ejemplos:

I would prefer to go out./Preferiría salir.

I'd rather stay here./Yo preferiría quedarme.

She'd prefer dancing. /Ella preferiría bailar.

Would you rather sleep or stay awake?/
¿Preferirías dormir o permanecer despierto?.

el verbo que sigue a “would prefer” puede ir seguido de un verbo en infinitivo con “to” o en "-ing"


would like

like puede ir seguido de verbos con terminación ing,como en infinitivo con regla no viene determinada por el uso de pronombres;sino por los diferentes usos de like en ingles americano e ingles britanico.
En inglés americano, no hay gran diferencia de significado entre ambas posibilidades y en inglés británico,en cambio, la regla es:-Like + verbo en infinitivo= se usa para hablar de gustos personales o costumbres.Ejemplo:- During winter, I like to stay at home on weekends. En invierno me gusta quedarme en casa los fines de semana. (costumbre, gusto personal).- Like + v. en -ing = para hablar de lo que te gusta en general. No de manera específica.Ejemplo:-I like eating ice-creams. Me gusta tomar helados (en general).
no osbstante ,si utilizamos la estructura"I would like" el verbo que le sigue siempre va en infinitivo con "to".
Por ejemplo: I would like to go (Desearía irme), I would like to say something (Me gustaría decir algo), She would like to write a letter (A ella le gustaría escribir una carta), They would like to run (A ellos les gustaría correr).


"to be".

El verbo 'To be' tiene una importancia especial en inglés. Se corresponde a los verbos españoles "ser" y "estar". Dependiendo del sentido de la frase deduciremos de cual de los dos se trata.
I am English / Soy inglésI.- am in England / Estoy en Inglaterra
Tiene algunos usos especiales distintos a sus equivalentes españoles.
- Sirve para expresar la edad, en cuyo caso se traduce por 'tener':
Mary is 20 years old / Maria tiene 20 años.-I am 21 / Yo tengo 21 años.-How old are you? / ¿Cuántos años tienes?
- Para expresar las sensaciones también se emplea el verbo 'to be' y equivale al 'tener' español.
Are you hungry? / ¿Tienes hambre?.-He is thirsty / Tiene sed.
- También para hablar sobre el tiempo atmosférico. En este caso se traduce por 'hacer'
It's windy / Hace viento.-It's very cold / Hace mucho frío.
Cuando al verbo 'to be' le sigue un infinitivo adquiere una importancia especial:
- Es una forma de dar instrucciones u órdenes de manera impersonal.
She is to stay here till we return / Ella debe quedarse aquí hasta que volvamos(en lugar de 'She must stay....')
- Sirve para establecer un plan
She is to be married next year / Ella va a casarse el año próximo
Expresa una forma de futuro.
Equivale a las expresiones españolas "ir a..., estar punto de... tener la intención de..., etc."
We are going to the theatre tonight / Vamos al teatro esta noche.-I am going to travel to Buenos Aires next Monday / Tengo la intención de viajar a Buenos Aires el próximo lunes.


martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

present simple. - Google Docs

present simple. - Google Docs

present simple.

target grammar: affirmative

subject verb complement

l/you/we/they live in boston

he/she/it lives in miami

target grammar: negative

subject auxiliary verb complement

l/you/we/they don´t play the guitar

he/she/it doesn´t have a brother

target grammar: question.

question word auxiliary subjet verb complement answer

yes/no do you like horror movies no i don´t

questions does tracy have a dog? yes she does

information what do you want to do? go to a movie

questions what time does steve get up? at 6:30
